Minecraft - available mostly for historic purposes now. Some of it may be reimplented later if something gets arranged.
Dota 2 - contains a 'Leaderboard of Losses'. An example of pulling statistics from OpenDota and displaying them in plain text, prettied up with some font.
Mumble - Browser client for The Guys Gaming Mumble voice server. Go here if you don't want to install a Mumble client.
3D - A 3D model that loads in browser. Load it on a phone for AR!
Horror Movie Bingo - Web implementation of a bingo game based on spotting horror movie tropes. They were hastily extracted from tvtropes, no fancy auto-updating.
Stream - browser player for a video stream. My desktop automatically streams to the player but it can accept external incoming streams.
Stream staus:
Status - Monitoring connection status for all services from a remote site.
Credits - A list of everything holding this all together.